في ضوء التسارع الذي تشهده التكنولوجيا الحديثة في مجال تقنية المعلومات وجدنا نحن “شركة الروضة لتكنولوجيا المعلومات و التجارة الإلكترونية” أنه من الضروري وضع خبراتنا المتواضعة في هذا المجال بين أيديكم مراعين بذلك التكلفة والجودة، بما يتناسب مع احتياجاتكم ومتطلبات عملكم.
ويسرنا هنا أن نعرض عليكم قائمة بخدماتنا الرئيسية التي تتضمن ما يلي:
- التسويق و الترويج الإلكتروني لمنتجاتكم السلعية والخدمية في السوق العالمي بواسطة شبكة الإنترنت والتجارة الإلكترونية (EC).
- إيجاد فرص حقيقية وفعلية للمتاجرة من خلال توفير العرض والطلب المباشر على الشبكة.
- البحث عن وكالات تجارية وحقوق أمتياز وخطوط إنتاج ومواد أولية وصفقات فائضة بأسعار منافسة وجودة مقبولة على الإنترنت (EC).
- البحث عن المعلومات الإقتصادية والفنية والسلع والخدمات والعروض التجارية التي تطلبونها.
- البحث عن الوظائف وخدمات التوظيف والخدمات الإستشارية على الشبكة (EC).
- تقديم الخدمات المساندة للإنترنت من حيث تصميم الصفحات والإستضافة وحجز الإسم والمساحة وتصميم المواقع الإلكترونية والبرامج.
و عليه فخدماتنا تتوخى الشمولية في المحتوى، والتنافسية في السعر والجودة، بالإضافة إلى مصداقية التعامل.
The Main objectives of “E-RITT” company are currently as follows:
- To contribute to the development of E-Business in Jordan and be leaders in Business to Business (B2B) solutions, including finding dealers & providing commodities and services.
- To provide an effective and open platform for solutions that permit global trading by being connected with well established & functional sites in the world.
- To bring together powerful groups of local and international investors with international dealers to serve their interests.
- To enter and/or arrange strategic alliances with big firms, aiming at being “Sole E-Commerce Mediators”.
- To stay up-to-date with all technological advancements in E-Commerce.
- Company’s Mission Statement:
“E-RITT” aims at providing all customers, worldwide, with the most advanced Business experience, and to work closely with them through predefined models and closely liaisons using a wide network of internet. Also, “E-RITT” is dedicated to promote settle all customers’ needs, capture good opportunities for them, and help them to take business to its optimum level and use.
Company’s Plans of Action:
The main plans of action of “E-RITT” aim at:
- Conducting market assessments via internet for all potential sites & customers.
- Employing and training specialized skills needed to run the work & develop EC.
- Location & defining major sites & engines to use at work.
- Establishing necessary plans for promotion & advertisement purposes.
- Establishing necessary structural systems & adequate mechanisms at work in addition to appointing key people needed in operations.
- Preparing an info-booklet about “E-RITT” and its relevant tools and policies.
- Negotiating potential customers on demanded qualities, quantities, and prices of production and services, in coordination main distributers & dealers.
- Preparing reports on progress & improvements at work to monitor achievements.
Furthermore, and in support of effective achievement of “E-RITT” objectives, it usually uses conventional channels in addition to E-Channels at work whenever needed.
Rawda For Information Technology & e-Trade (e-RITT)
Tel: +962 6 5660366 – 00962799988770
Fax: +962 6 5660366
E-mail: info@e-ritt.com
P.O.Box: 960555 Amman 11196 Jordan
Address: Queen Rania Str, Al-Khair Complex – Second Floor, Amman/Jordan.
Rawda For Information Technology & e-Trade
Rawda Co. for Information Technology & e-Trade is a registered company in the Jordanian Ministry of Trade and Industry since 2002.
Following the great impact witnessed from the advances in Information Technology all over the world, Rawda Co initiated its work of training on E-Commerce and E-Business applications for selling, buying, and agent searching, in addition to Website-Design and Programming for SME companies.
Rawda Company has been working also in the following fields:
- Economic consultation and feasibility studies.
- Marketing and promotion studies for products and services.
- Searching and providing investment opportunities for implementation.
- On-line searching of raw materials, production facilities and equipment.
- Searching employment opportunities, information gathering, and other services using the Internet.
Many other services have been experienced by Rawda Company during the last decade. A record of accomplishments can be made available when needed.
Our services are our Trade Mark
Looking forward to serve you